Do Not Go Gentle

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The setting sun, hanging low on the horizon
My heart is numb, as I watch you slip away
You close your eyes, as if the light is growing brighter
And a peaceful gaze consumes your tired face

Do not go gentle, no my love
The angels don't need you above 
Rage against the dying of the light

So many lands, still remain to be discovered
So many plans, still are hanging in the air
And there is still, so much I need to learn about you
And the daffodils on silent hills, will never tell me what I want to know


I never learned, how to be myself without you
When I turn, to face the mirror, I see you
You’re not just half, ‘cause you can’t separate the whole
No long division’s sharp incision, could ever extricate you from my soul


For everything, there is a time, and there’s a season
But deep within, there never seems to be a reason
When the time comes, I’ll stand beside you in silence
But until that day, don’t go away, it’s not your turn to leave me here alone

[Chorus x 2]

Tablature & Chords

Standard tuning, capo 4:

C  F  C    Am  F  C
C  F  C    Dm  F  G

F  G  C/E F  
Dm  F  G  C

The C/E chord is played 030210.

Song Data

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Musical Information
Key: E Major
Tempo: 87 bpm
Meter: 4/4 Straight
Length: 5:06
Released Jul 13, 2015