Good to Go

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The cold moon is shining
And the stars are aligning
And I'm here knocking on your door

It's two in the morning
And we both should be snoring
But you're far too lovely to ignore

    So let's go out and raise some hell
    Do what you want, I'll never tell
    And yeah, I know I've been a little slow
    But hey... I'm good to go

I'm snared and I'm smitten
Like a scared little kitten
But I'm not afraid to tell you anymore

I gave up denying
And I stopped always trying
To avoid the things that freaked me out before

    I was afraid of fear itself
    It took so long to leave this shell
    And yeah, I know I've been a little slow
    But hey... I'm good to go

I know I've been distant
So detached and resistant
To the things that are perfect in my life

I once was a hermit
But inside I was yearning just to
Take off the mask and see the light

    And it was you who made me see
    You gave me hope, and set me free
    And yeah, I know I've been a little slow
    But hey... I'm good to go

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: Standard, Capo 5

Intro and solo:
x32010  x42000  xx0231  320033
x32010  x42000  xx0231  320033

C      F   C
C      F   C
G      F   C
Dm     G

Song Data