River Went Dry

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I picked you up at ten to four
Just like a thousand times before
On a thousand other days

We took a walk in Silver Springs
I didn't even say a thing
Everything just disappeared

    I was there the day the river went dry
    and I just watched it flow away
    I just stood and watched that river die
    Cuz when all is gone and nothing else remains
    You just hope for rain

You saw the dried-out river bed
You broke the silence and you said
Where did all that water go?

I didn't know, so I replied
It's just the nature of the tide
But you knew better

    I was there the day the river went dry
    and I just watched it flow away
    I just stood and watched that river die
    Cuz when all is gone and nothing else remains
    You just hope for rain

I took you home, you said good night
I watched you fade into the light
Then you vanished through the door

My skin is dry as desert air
There's water, water everywhere
But I'm not thirsty

    I was there the day the river went dry
    and I just watched you flow away
    I just stood and watched that river die
    Cuz when all is gone and nothing else remains
    You just hope for rain

And just hope for rain
And just hope for rain
And just hope for rain

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: Standard

87x088 7x0088 07x088 x87088

Verse Ending:
87x088 7x0088 07x088 320033

133211 320033 x32010
133211 320033 x32010 032010
133211 320033 x02210 x20030 x54035
x87060 x(10)9080

x87088 x7x088 7x0788 87x088
x87088 x7x088 x(10)908(10)

x02210 133211 x32010 320033
x02210 133211 x32010 320033
x02210 133211 x32010 320033
x02210 133211 320013 320003
x02210 133211 x32010 320033
x02210 133211 320013 320003

Song Data