The Pawnbroker's Stepdaughter

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The pawnbroker's stepdaughter
Fought away the cold December air

On a park bench sitting by a fallen pine
She folds her bloody hands and sees the sign

All we are we are we are is
All we are we are we are is sin
All we are we are we are is 
All we are we are we are is sin

On the corner of North Main and High
The trains would shake the walls as they passed by

The clamor of the steel rails would
Drown her voice as she screamed in the night

    A smile would cross his empty face
    As he put that girl in her place again
    She shut down her last defenses
    She turned off her tattered senses
    And looked up to the sky with glassy eyes
        The pawnbroker's stepdaughter
        Floats above the ground where she had stood
        The pawnbroker's stepdaughter 
        Made it right the one way she could
She lift up her trembling hands
The room was spinning like a carousel

She felt her body spin around
With crimson running to the ground before her

    The room turned silent, the train was gone
    The melting snow, the the crack of dawn was here
    This is how the story ends
    The same way that it all begins
    Cuz no one here forgives our sins on this world
        The pawnbroker's stepdaughter
        Floats above the ground where she had stood
        The pawnbroker's stepdaughter 
        Made it right the one way she could

        All we are we are we are is
        All we are we are we are is sin
        All we are we are we are is
        All we are we are we are is sin
        All we are we are we are is
        All we are we are we are is
        All we are is sin

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: CGCGCEb - You're on your own with the tabs on this one. :)

Song Data