I Hate You

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I hate you
Because I don't agree with what you do
Because you never seem to have a clue what's wrong or right

You disgust me
Writing with your left hand like it's right
I think you're gonna start a fight tonight, if you're not careful

    And there is only one of 10 of us that's broken
    Why can't you just use your right hand, like a normal Joe can

I hate you
Every time you're picking up a pen
You're only trying to get the childeren to copycat you

You're a sinner
The Bible spells it out in black and white
Why you think we read it from left to right, is that an accident?
    Cuz the scribes who wrote the bible saw the link 
    The never would have let their hands get smeared up in the ink

        Some say it's genetics that makes you who you are
        They say you haven't got a choice
        But you can learn to use the chosen hand
        Sloppy writing's not the end

I hate you
You always wanna rub it in my face
All you lefties never seem to know that there's a time and there's a place

I hate you
Equal rights we'll never part
Why you think we called 'em "rights" to start with, they ain't for you

I hate you

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: CGDGBD, capo 4

Song Data