Midnight Sun

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In the midnight sun, it's all clear
There is no need to disappear
There's no one here to see you if you do

In the midnight sun, it's so cold
But no one here is bought or sold
It's the land of the free just as long as your free yourself

And as you pass the miles of snow
It's all the same whereever you go
As above, the same it is below

And even when the darkness comes
There is no place where you can run
It's all the same in the land of the midnight sun

In the midnight sun, it's ok
You just go on with another day
There's nothing here that changes anyway

In the midnight sun, the world is mute
Except the distant call of a malamute
And the wind that's always tugging at your ear

And as you pass the miles of snow
It's all the same whereever you go
As above, the same it is below

And even when the darkness comes
There is no place where you can run
It's all the same in the land of the midnight sun

In the midnight sun, it's ok
You just go on with another day

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: CGDGBD, capo on 2nd fret.

Song Data